Cleaving apart software schema concepts
Diving deep into software schema in local-first software architecture with three distinct, diverging paths.
Cleaving apart software schema concepts
I'm steadily plodding along on my article on schema and local-first software architecture. The writing has been the healthy and painful variety: discovering what I know and the gaps in my thinking as I try to describe it.
The scope of the article itself has been difficult to pin down. I assumed 'twould be a simple matter to translate the talk I gave at Effect Days into an accompanying article. But the article has constantly shifted as I wrote, had new ideas, and received feedback. This week I had a clarifying realization: I was essentially trying to write about three different ideas and each of these ideas was pulling the article, unhelpfully, in different directions. I can echo John Bunyan in "The Author's Apology for his Book":
When at the first I took my Pen in hand,
Thus for to write; I did not understand
That I at all should make a little Book
In such a mode: Nay, I had undertook
To make another; which, when almost done,
Before I was aware, I this begun.
Here are the three diverging paths.
My first instinct was to define schema as a philosopher: what is a schema, really? What is it good for? Where do they show up in the real world? Where do they show up in software? While enjoyable, this was a line of thinking only a philosopher could love and opening the article with this exploration was distracting and unhelpful. I wrote a brief (too brief, sadly!) evergreen note on the topic and excised it from the article entirely.
The second idea is the most concrete: local-first software systems have an opportunity to unify schema across the system due to a different architectural pattern than the traditional layered architecture, enabling a better DX and novel user experiences. This was the main thrust of the talk at Effect Days. This idea already exists in practice in DXOS and a few other local-first systems. There are nice demos. It's tangible, well-bounded, reasonably well-understood. Define the schema once, use it everywhere.
But once you have the same schema everywhere, I start to want more. I want to attach behavior to that schema. I want presentation. Schema starts to become more like an SmallTalk object, or a web component, or an OpenDoc Part. This idea is much further out there. It's speculative and based on a gut feeling that good things lie in this direction. There's no working system to demo (though Composer is headed in that direction). The most concrete thing I can offer is this rambling sketch:

Once I realized I was dealing with three different, though related, ideas the task became clear: scope the article down to Unifying Schema in Local-first Software Systems and ship it. Leave those other, enticing, amorphous ideas for later. I set to it. I have an outline of the scoped-down article (happy to share if you'd like to see the in-progress work) and it's quite achievable.
I both love and hate this about writing. It's not often a straight path to get to something like a singular work. I have to learn to love the process!
As Paul Graham noted: "expect 80% of the ideas in an essay to happen after you start writing it, and 50% of those you start with to be wrong."
ICYMI: Stuff I worked on
- I facilitated Open Canvas Working Group Meeting № 1 on Tuesday, and it's off to a great start! Read the recap here.
- At DXOS Office Hours on Thursday, we talked about the feedback we've gotten on Composer and the next three feature areas: (1) credible exit through filesystem sync, (2) organization through a new UI called Deck, and (3) revamping the account system.
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